Monday, October 26, 2015

Amazing Grace Crop Maze Field Trip

We had a BLAST at the Amazing Grace Crop Maze! Here are a few pictures from our day... It was a great first field trip. Thank you to all the chaperones!

A fork in the road... 

Scared with Ms.Hirst leading the way!  

 A little lost in the maze....

 We made it! 

(The bus was some of our favorite parts of the trip...)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Look Inside...

Our classroom!

So far this year, we have had the joy of studying nursery rhymes, the five senses, and fictional stories. We are constantly learning and growing by doing enriching activities, and by using our imaginations. I think all the kids have agreed that reading fictional stories has been our favorite (may or may not be because of the crazy voices I have to read in for all the different characters...). As the school year has gone on, I have seen so much more personality from each individual student. I have learned what they enjoy doing, what they dislike, what sparks their curiosity, and how they learn best. I have used this information to adapt my lessons so that each child is being reached as much as possible. 

I wanted to give you all a view inside our classroom. We have become a family, and with that comes joys, frustrations, fears, and LOTS of excitement. We all have created a bond that makes our little classroom our safe place, and I am so thankful that I get to be a part of your child's life in this way. 

 First week of school silliness!

 Checking out some of our soccer stars in action...

Dudes Do Read

 Dudes Do Read

MY dad even joined us for Dudes Do Read! 

We wore red to show we are well "read" for Literacy Week!

Flashlight Reading Fun! 

Kindergarten Teachers Representing at Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

 Celebrating "Sock"tober with silly socks!

Another super soccer star!

We cannot wait to continue making memories through this school year. :)