Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring cleaning! A little bit of everything...

Long time, no post! :) Sorry for the has just been too good recently to slow down and post pictures! With the upcoming production of Annie, reaching the 4th QUARTER (WHAT!?) of kindergarten, and so much more, it has been busy around here! I am going to dump a bunch of pictures here and hope you enjoy the never-ending look into our wild and crazy kinder class. I love my wild things, that's for sure! 

Data Chats and Donuts: What a great event! I loved letting the kiddos show all of you what they have learned and worked on so far. Having student-led data conferences allows them to become responsible for their progress and take ownership over their work. It was SO beneficial. Also, it is great being able to touch base with you guys and make sure you are aware and involved in the classroom! Thanks for being so involved and going along with my crazy event ideas! 

Jump Rope for Heart: We had such a fun (beautiful) day doing this awesome event to raise funds and awareness for the American Heart Association! We had great participation in our class, and we had a blast! Thank you to Coach Carney for organizing it!

Disney World: So you guys were so supportive of me and my crazy running challenge! I really appreciated all the texts, emails, videos, etc. supporting me and my sister in this huge race! I even got to hang out with Hannah Banana from our class at Disney and go on some rides with her and her sister...Unfortunately, Hannah learned that my skills in driving the race track cars is EXTREMELY limited. She just kept saying, "Woah Ms.Hirst...You drive a little crazy. Haha..." with the look of terror in her eyes. <3 Love it! 

Field Trip to the Library: We got to go on a STEAM field trip to the Jacksonville Main Library to hear some stories and check out books! We had a great time (mostly on the bus...because we love bus rides...). This program where DCPS students can check out books from Jacksonville Public libraries with no late fees or damage costs is awesome! Take advantage for the summer! 

(I'm slowly shrinking in every picture behind them as they all grow taller and taller...).

Bus buddies! I love this sweet boy! 

Matching Mickey Mouse shirts! 

Dr.Seuss Week: We had so much fun celebrating Dr.Seuss' birthday! All my little things took to the characters naturally... :-P

Josue's Celebration! <3

He LOVES Ms.Hackney! 

Field trip to the JCA to see the Classic Stories of Seuss: We loved getting fancy for this AWESOME show! What a fun place! We even got to meet all the characters!

As many of you know...I was out for a good deal of time with a few health complications in March. Upon returning, my little love bugs wrote me messages daily! Exactly what I needed to start feeling better! <3

Jack sharing his love (and giggles) for reading!

Stella was a top fundraiser for Jump Rope for Heart, so she got to SLIME Coach Carney! :)

St.Paddy's Day Tricks...That sneaky leprechaun...

Showing off our gold! :)

Weather Watching... :) 

And to end this wonderful spring cleaning post...

"Dear Ms.Hirst I hope you never wake to a big zit in the middle of your nose."
Gah...I love my life! <3 

Until the next post...Thanks for checking in! :) 
Ms.Hirst and her Wild Things