Monday, May 1, 2017

Meeting Corbin and Visiting the Old Florida Museum

As you all know, our class got to meet Corbin, our Owen's service dog! He will be coming to school sometimes, and will eventually be full-time in the classroom. It was an amazing learning experience for all of the kids. They learned proper etiquette in how to handle interacting with a service dog in public. They did a great job and loved having a furry friend to visit! Corbin was matched with Owen, and they have been training through a program called "Project Chance". They identify the specific needs of the child needing the service dog, and train them specifically for that child. Such an amazing program!! Check them out at

During our module on Colonial Towns and Townspeople, we organized our field trip to the Old Florida Museum. We participated in the Pioneer Program, and it was the best field trip yet!! This is located at Fort Menendez in St.Augustine. The kids loved it!! We got to play at the park across the street, then went in to the schoolhouse from the 1800's, wrote with quills, ground corn into flour, watched them pump water out of a well, and learned pioneer childrens games! It was a great experience to make this topic more relevant and real to the kids.