Sunday, September 25, 2016

Picture Day and PDQ... YUM!

Well...We survived picture day! 
Everyone was looking WAY too cute, and we got it done first thing so that we still looked NEATLY way too cute for our pictures! :) We also got to go on the "big kid" playground for the first time after pictures, so it was a happy day in the world of kindergarten. 

Not specifically with this post, but with all posts on my blog, I encourage you to let your kids take you on a picture walk through our day. Let them look at the pictures and explain to you what we were doing, where they were working, who they were with, what they learned, etc... They love taking ownership over our classroom and their own learning, so probe them to let them explain to you what we are up to! :) 

I'm sure you will hear lots of fun stories from there about our days. 
(And about how "crazy" I am... Haha)

 "Seriously Ms.Hirst...More pictures?!"

 Our sweet new Isabella B... Started school with a field trip, then picture day, then flu shots! What a first week! Our kindergarten family would be incomplete without her. She fits in perfectly, and the other kids just adore her. 

PDQ Spirit Night! Thanks for coming out to support BSE. Our class got 2nd place with 10 students there... Mrs.Holtzendorff's class won with 12! 

I had to include the picture of these cuties with their coordinating "happy" outfits and tutus! Their friendship makes my heart melt. Their outfits (tutus, bows, colors, everything) match almost every day! It is too funny. They are inseparable!

Have a fantastic Sunday! Can't wait to see the kiddos bright and early for another great week in the world of kindergarten! :)

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