Monday, February 20, 2017

Show and Tell :)

Confession time. I was TERRIFIED at the idea of show and tell on a Friday afternoon... The kids filled our "bucket" (we earn drips for compliments we receive), and we took a vote. Pajama day or show and tell. It was nearly unanimous, and I was sooo unsure of how we would handle it. In my mind, I saw...
1. 5 year olds with all of their favorite toys
2. Friday afternoons are already exciting usually
3. We would have rambling descriptions of each item
4. Tears if they forgot an item
...and the list goes on.

I am SO proud to say how wrong I was. Not a single student broke the rule of taking out their item before 2:00. Everyone kept it tucked away with no questions asked. Everyone except one or two remembered, and those two handled it beautifully (and moms were quick to drop something off which helped). We had so much fun showing our items and working on our public speaking (which is a kindergarten standard). They were all truly engaged in the showing! I was beyond impressed.

Here are a few quick snapshots I took while they were sharing! (The two older girls in the pictures are my sisters that come in once a week to volunteer.... The kids just LOVE them, so I'm sure you have heard about Miss Rylie and Miss Julie!) Enjoy!

Ollie and his Coast Guard Ship (He is sooo proud of his daddy! We have heard so much about the Coast Guard throughout the year from him.)

Maddie and her "Sparkle" kitty! (I believe 4 other girls in our class claimed to have the same one!)

Isabella and her "Catboy" Stuffie! PJ Masks is a new show to me, but the kids all seem to love it, especially Isabella.

In typical Arriana fashion, she showed us her super adorable bird....then continued on to tell us a story about how she found the bird in a forest when she was running away from a shark! :) We were all giggling by the end. 

Juliet and her WALKING, LIGHT UP UNICORN. We all were way too excited over this... (our class mascot IS the unicorn anyway!)

Markus and his extensive Pokemon collection!

Dhrishti and her Supergirl... According to her, she actually IS Supergirl (and I have to agree)!

Mason and the ongoing Pokemon trend! :) 

BJ and the classic Jack in the Box! (He loved scaring Julie with it...) :)

Bella and HER unicorn (notice a trend...?)! I loved how excited they all were over this!

Shane and his Transformer "Bumble Bee" (Transforming demonstration included!)

Eva and her mermaid "Sparkle Unicorn" :) Her favorite bath time toy because it can really swim!

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
Josiah wowed us all with his Harry Potter wand made by "Jim who is a blacksmith". 

Izzy and her snuggle kitty... <3 

Marlie with yet ANOTHER unicorn!! :) She worked very hard to stuff this one in her backpack! 

Aiden and his light up wand from his mom's store! 

Owen with his pictures of his AMAZING soon-to-be service dog, Corbin! Boy, does he love that pup!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Love is in the Air...

What a fun day!! To really add to our unit on Kings and Queens, we hosted our Royal Ball yesterday! All the princes and princesses of our class were invited to partake in a "fancy dance party" like we've been learning about...and let me tell you!! They had some MOVES!

Before I post any pictures, I am going to do a little vocabulary update so that you can remind them and be practicing at home!

Reign: how long the king/queen was in charge for
Throne: a royal chair
Scepter and Orb: royal objects that the king/queen holds to show they are royalty
Crown Prince(ss): The oldest son or daughter that is in line to become king or queen
Merry: happy
Cinders: little pieces of burned wood in a fireplace
Tattered: torn and dirty
Stumbled: to trip
Coach: royal carriage
Primped: to get ready

Quiz them and see what they know!! Now, to the fun part... Enjoy the pictures from February and our WONDERFUL royal ball! :)