Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Love is in the Air...

What a fun day!! To really add to our unit on Kings and Queens, we hosted our Royal Ball yesterday! All the princes and princesses of our class were invited to partake in a "fancy dance party" like we've been learning about...and let me tell you!! They had some MOVES!

Before I post any pictures, I am going to do a little vocabulary update so that you can remind them and be practicing at home!

Reign: how long the king/queen was in charge for
Throne: a royal chair
Scepter and Orb: royal objects that the king/queen holds to show they are royalty
Crown Prince(ss): The oldest son or daughter that is in line to become king or queen
Merry: happy
Cinders: little pieces of burned wood in a fireplace
Tattered: torn and dirty
Stumbled: to trip
Coach: royal carriage
Primped: to get ready

Quiz them and see what they know!! Now, to the fun part... Enjoy the pictures from February and our WONDERFUL royal ball! :)

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