Thursday, August 16, 2018

First Week with the new Wild Things!

Hi parents!!

Welcome to our class blog. I am already SO in love with my wild things, and am so excited for this year! I can tell it is going to be an awesome one.

As the kids will likely tell you, I am an AVID "shutterbug"... I am CONSTANTLY snapping pictures. It is one of my favorite hobbies, and these cuties are my favorite subjects! :) Here are some fun snapshots of our first week together!

Enjoy and feel free to share!
(There will be one more batch tomorrow I believe... But I needed to go ahead and dump these ones for now.)

Dancing queen... :)


  1. Love this! Thanks for keeping us means a lot!

    1. Of course!! I know that often times you all don't hear much about our day. I love being able to give you a peek into our class! :)

  2. We really appreciate your keeping everyone connected this way. His dad was able to open the blog from the ship!
