Monday, February 15, 2016

Reading buddies

We are SO lucky to have the best 3rd grade reading buddies- Ms.Levine's class! They support us and help us build our confidence in reading so much. We read with them in the fall, and they came to our room. We picked out books, but they read them to us as we were new and a little timid to reading. But the coolest thing happened last week. We went to their room with our "Just right" bag of books. The third graders were AMAZED at how much we had learned!! They kept coming up to me and saying "They learned how to read?! How did they do that?? They must be super smart!" and all I could do was smile! I loved hearing my little ones show off their new love for INDEPENDENT reading! Here are some pictures of us working with our buddy! 

Continue to celebrate love for reading every day! These kiddos are rockstar readers, and I want them to continue feeling that way! :) 

Q and U Royal Wedding

In honor of the letters Q and U being together forever (and the end of our kings and queens unit), we held a royal wedding/ball to celebrate! Let me tell was the cutest wedding I've ever seen. :) Not only did this give the students an opportunity to role play kings and queens we've been learning about for 2 weeks, but it reinforced the foundational skill of pairing the letters Q and U. And the best part? They got to be KINDERGARTENERS! :) We had a blast. Check it out!

 Preparations (thank you Christy Bray!!) the night before!

 "Will you be my Valentine?" How does your heart not melt!?

 We couldn't let Ms.Hirst and Mrs.Holtzendorff miss out on 
having bubbles blown in their faces too! :) 

Our delicious wedding cake! 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Picture dump :)

So I apparently got a little behind on uploading pictures! This post will be a big huge picture dump of pictures from 2016 so far! (And maybe a few from the end of 2015...). I just love all of these pictures as I'm going through them because it shows our kids being KIDS! We have so much fun, and this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. That is something I truly value. As I have told many of you, I truly believe that if you instill a love for school by being creative and allowing them to be kids and have fun, the rest will come. If they love coming to school, they will learn! I believe with all my heart that these kiddos enjoy coming to school, and that makes me enjoy being there. 

I can never thank you guys enough for sharing your little peanuts with me! They are just too perfect, and I am so blessed. THANK YOU! Enjoy the (tad late) look into our daily classroom life!
 "You got it dude!"

 Checking out the Grinch!

 It was a frigid 55 degrees outside...Love our Florida winters! :) 

 Sound lab!

 Exploring sound...

Ladies love literacy! 

 Greysen sharing his own writing! We love celebrating each other's accomplishments in our "Be Brave" chair. Our favorite quote is to say "Show us how big your brave is!"

 Friendships budding (and creating the "Great Wall of China" out of blocks)

 PDQ Spirit Night! 

 Flashlight reading for literacy week! 

 100 year old Ms.Hirst....and the wild things follow :) 

 100th Day cuties! 

 Getting into the Granny game...

Emma starring on morning announcements!

100 dots on Daniel!  

 Crazy cat lady Chloe :) 

100th day trail mix! (And yes...we had to take 10 raisins in addition to the sugar.)


Thanks for looking and feel free to share! 
