Sunday, October 30, 2016

Whirlwind of a Week!

We survived the week that was Boosterthon, Literacy Kickoff, Halloween lead-up, and my move! WHEW! I wasn't sure we would last, but we did it somehow! Here is a brief look at some of the awesomely fun adventures we had this week! ....Now to prepare for Halloween tomorrow.... on a Monday. Eek! Scary.

Our Dudes Do Read! Thank you Bryant and Greg for reading to us! The kids loved it. 

Popsicle Party! 

Book Character Parade! 
Direct quote from one of our kids: "Maybe I will get to sign my first autograph to one of my fans!"

Fun Run Day!! 

Pajama Day! (And they were just about the snuggliest little kiddos in their jammies all day... Too cute!)

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Looking forward to celebrating my favorite fall holiday tomorrow with the kiddos! Be safe tomorrow night! <3