Saturday, October 22, 2016

Photo dump of the week! :)

A giant photo dump before the craziness of this week begins! Quarter one is officially finished, and we are moving on to quarter two! The next two weeks are going to be CRAZY so bear with me! Here is a synopsis of everything going on...

Monday: Literacy week kick off! We will be attending the "Book Busters" play starring the teachers! Crazy hat and silly sock day as well!

Tuesday: Dudes Do Read... We still have no dads signed up from our class. If you are able to come, let me know!! Chick-fil-A spirit night as well.

Wednesday: Book Character Parade... Dress like a book character and BRING THE BOOK! :) (It is also early release.)

Thursday: Boosterthon Fun Run! Wear athletic clothes/shoes and bring extra water and energy!

Friday: Relax.

Monday 31st: Falling for Fiction day! Happy Halloween! :)

There is going to be some craziness, so try to prepare the students each day for what to expect.

Alright, well enjoy the pictures! Happy fall weekend!

Checking out some of the soccer stars in the neighborhood! 

When they tell us no playground, we make do in the airnasium with some duck, duck, goose with Mrs.Holtzendorff's class! 

Our new favorite way to walk... Like tight rope walkers!

A peek into music class where the kiddos were dancing with scarves...

And the final piece of our week... We finished our service project for Saint Augustine homeless students. The "Kids with Capes" made blankets, Halloween goodie bags, brought in books, toys, puzzles, and put together bedtime bags. They went above and beyond and I could not be more humbled by their passion to help the community! 

Our principal, Mrs.Wright, and one of our vice principals, Ms.Bartley, were amazed by the students' generosity! :) 

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