Sunday, April 9, 2017

Little Learners

Something changed after spring break. The kiddos came back OLDER. I don't know what it is, but they are independent and don't need/want me to help them with little things all of a sudden. While I love the new sense of independence, it is also breaking my heart because it shows me that the year is almost over!!

We just started research projects and let me tell you. They have FULLY embraced the challenge, and are taking it SO seriously. They are gathering data and research about animals, and filling out sheets daily with new information. It is amazing watching them take control and really rise to the challenge with their group. I am just blown away every day by these little learners. I couldn't ask for anything more!!

Enjoy. <3

Our Peter Pan Stars <3

(Owen wanted to join in on the fun!)

Photo Credit Below: It's Wendy Outside Photography

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