Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wild Things Museum: Our Report Writing Projects

The kids were SO excited to share with you their hard work on their research projects. As I told many of you this morning, I did not assist them in ANY way other than to help them find information if needed. They typed headings, typed their facts, marked their books, put together their journals, cut out the pieces for the board.... EVERYTHING. There were only a FEW times that I had to walk away and take deep breaths as things were being glued on over to the side, not centered, or crazy cutting was going on.... :) All jokes aside though, they really did an amazing job working together as a group and putting these presentations together. Every afternoon for about the past 3 weeks has been consumed with piecing these projects together! 

Enjoy the pictures below! :)

Snake Experts: Eva, Josiah, and Erik

Penguin Experts: BJ, Maddy, and Dhrishti

Dolphin Experts: Marlie, Arriana, and Bella

Shark Experts: Owen, Ollie, Mason, and Isabella

Horse Experts: Markus, Juliet, and Marin

Monkey Experts: Aiden, Izzy, and Shane

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